Does Spotify offer a Military discount?


Many companies to show gratitude towards the troops that serve their country by offering them discounts on their services. There are several kinds of discounts available on various services especially for active military or veterans and some services offer discounts even to their families.

Does Spotify offer military discount?

Spotify only offers discounts to students and they don’t offer any kind of discount to the military. Music streaming services like Apple Music and Pandora already do this. They both offer discounts for students and the military.

They had a feature vote over here about it and it garnered some attention and over the time got over 3000 people supporting this idea. But Spotify is yet to introduce a special offer for people serving in the military but they have replied to the feature idea, that they think this is a good idea and they want people to keep voting for it but they might introduce this in the future but not right now.

Spotify has expressed their interest in offering a discount in future. For now, they only offer their premium plan to students for 4.99$ a month and also with free Showtime and Hulu plans. Did you know Spotify and Starbucks has a partnership which enables Starbucks partners to get free access to Spotify premium, learn more about Starbucks Spotify premium.

On the other hand, Apple offers discounts on most of their products for militaries, you just have to get verified with them and you can avail your discount. 10% is the ideal discount provided by Apple and it also applies to Apple Music. So if you want a discount, you could choose Apple Music over Spotify, both work fine. If you don’t like Apple Music, then you could head over to Pandora as they also offer discounts to military personnel. Also, see how to renew Spotify student discount.

Does Spotify offer a military/Forces discount?
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Does Spotify offer a military/Forces discount?
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