Netflix is popular, so much that worldwide it has almost 200 million subscribers. Even with new entrants from Disney and HBO, it still remains the king. Unfortunately, its popularity also makes it a popular target for hackers who generally want to gain access to someone else’s account to enjoy all the great content there for free.
The way hackers attack Netflix accounts may vary. Sometimes, they’ll just change the login password. Other times, they may keep everything the same and hope they go undetected. However, they’ll change the email address associated with the Netflix account to seize complete control.
Regardless of however your account has been hacked, here’s how you can kick the hackers out and take back control.
What Are the Signs of A Hacked Netflix Account?
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It depends on how your account has been hacked. If someone else has just gained access to it, then you may notice TV shows or movies you never watched your “Recently Watched” tab. That’s a good sign that somebody has access to your account.
Here’s how you can check:
- Log into Netflix and click Account.
- In the ‘My Profile’ section, select Viewing Activity.
- Then select Recent Device Streaming Activity.
- See if there is login activity from unknown countries or places you haven’t been
- If you confirm any unusual logins. Hit ‘Sign out of all devices.’ Even if you’re not sure, it’s best to be cautious and do this anyway.
Now Change Your Password
After you’ve signed out of all devices, you need to change your password. Log in again and select Account. Next, follow these steps:
- Scroll down to Membership & Billing and hit Change Password
- Enter your current password then create a new one. Make sure it is lengthy, unique, and contains a mixture of numbers, letters, and special characters
- Next, enable two-factor authentication or also ‘Require all devices to sign in again with a new password.’ This will automatically log out any devices connected to your Netflix (you did already do this when in the earlier step, but it’s a good idea to do this one more time).
What Should You Do If You Don’t Have Account Access?
If somebody has changed the password on you or the associated email address, you’ll need to reach out to the Netflix support centre. If the hacker went so far that they even removed your credit card number, then you may have a difficult time proving your original account owner and may not be able to get your account back since there is no way to prove it was originally your account.
But if your credit card is still on file, which it likely will be since most hackers mainly just want free Netflix access, then you should be able to restore access. Be sure to have as many supporting documents as possible, including receipts, emails, and other data.
Your fate is entirely in the hands of customer support. Don’t expect any miracles, but you just may get lucky and regain access to your account.
How to Prevent Your Account From Getting Hacked
Before your account falls into the wrong hands, it’s much better to prevent that from happening in the first place. Enabling two-factor authentication is a great start. Likewise, you should always use a VPN when you’re online and especially when you connect to Netflix.
What is a VPN? A VPN is a virtual private network. It both masks your IP address and encrypts your connection, greatly enhancing your security and privacy in the online world.
VPNs not only makes using the internet much safer, but you can also use it to unlock different regional versions of Netflix. For example, you can access Korean Netflix from the UK or the US version from France to get more content. It’s a total win-win.
In addition, there are a few more easy ways to prevent your account from being hacked. Often, people log into Netflix in somewhat public places like hotels, Airbnbs, or even friend’s houses. Before you leave, make sure to log out of your account.
Finally, there are few people out there who use email scams to trick users. They may pretend to be Netflix asking for account information or even create imitation Netflix webpages to capture login credentials. Always verify these senders are legitimate before ever giving your personal data out.
Netflix is awesome. Don’t let hackers take over your account and start integrating these essential tips now.