A Synonym can be defined as a word or a phrase which means exactly or almost nearly the same as another word or a phrase in the same language. For example, superfluous is a synonym of surplus or redundant.
Here are the synonyms of ‘In other words’ phrase –
- reword
- especially
- particularly
- i.e.
- specially
- specifically
- simply put
- put differently
- namely
- that is to say
- that is
- in other quarters
- otherwise speaking
- to rephrase it
- scilicet
- as an alternative
- to put it briefly
- stated differently
- thus
- cut a long story short
- to be specific
- you might also say
- after all
- by extension
- as a matter of fact
- viz
- to give an example
- like
- that is to say
- to be specific
- in a nutshell
- in other words
- otherwise stated
- alternatively stated
- this means
- put it differently
- in essence
- this means that
- it means
- to put the matter another way
- in sum
- put it briefly
- in simple words
- said otherwise

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40+ Synonyms of "In Other Words"
Synonyms of 'in other words' reword, especially, particularly, i.e. especially, specifically, simply put, put differently, namely, that is to say.
Yash Dutta