Weeks Between Dates Calculator
Calculate the exact number of weeks between any two dates
This calculator will help you calculate the number of weeks between two dates. To find the number of weeks from a date to a date, enter the start and end dates and press the calculate button. In response, the calculator will tell you how many weeks have passed in the selected time period.
About This Calculator
This weeks calculator is a precise tool that helps you determine the exact number of weeks between two dates. It's particularly useful for:
- Project planning and timeline management
- Pregnancy week calculations
- Educational term planning
- Event scheduling
How to Use
- Select your start date using the date picker
- Select your end date using the date picker
- Click the Calculate button
- The result will show you the exact number of weeks between your selected dates
The calculator takes into account:
- Leap years
- Different month lengths
- Partial weeks (rounded down to the nearest whole week)